Workplace Retaliation
Workplace Retaliation
The workplace should be a safe place to work, free from the fear of retaliation. If you have had the unfortunate experience of having to blow the whistle on unsavory activity at your place of employment, you should not suffer retaliation as a consequence.
Wrongful Termination
Wrongful Termination
If you have been fired on the basis of a protected class or characteristic (such as race or gender), or as a form of retaliation for reporting a wrongdoing, you may be entitled to compensation.
Workplace Discrimination
Workplace Discrimination
Discrimination in the workplace is wrong! Whether the discrimination is based on gender, disability, race, sexual orientation or something else – it is not right. If you have been discriminated against by your employer, we can help.
Non-Payment of Wages
Non-Payment of Wages
Your work requires compensation. If your employer refuses to pay you for the work you have done, does not compensate you for overtime or violates a contractual obligation to pay you for work rendered, you have a valid case to pursue.
Failure to Provide Leave of Absence
Failure to Provide Leave of Absence
Learn more about the rights that an employee has with regard to their ability to take a leave of absence.